Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bed Rest??

Not quite, but close. Here's the update on the baby, about a month ago I had an ultrasound because I was measuring small. This was not a huge surprise because I had the same with Makay, but I was further along about 34 weeks, this time I was only 31 measuring 28. So the ultrasound went fine he was just over the 10th percentile, and all the blood flow and fluid looked great. We scheduled another one for one month later. That was Tuesday this time the news wasn't as good, but not terrible. The fluid and blood flow through the umbilical cord looked great. However, he has dropped under the 10th percentile and had only gained about 1 pound in a month, they estimate about 4.2 pounds. This was not great news, the Dr. is worried that the placenta has stopped working as well as it should. I had a non-stress test later that day, during this test they monitor his heart beat and it looked great. We felt reassured after this that he was doing well.

Today I had my weekly visit with Dr. Loewen and we talked about what all this means. Well it looks like we will be having our baby next Thursday. By next Thursday I will be 37 weeks, so by this time the baby's lungs will be developed and he will be able to come into the world. I had my reservations at first, but my Dr. reassured me that she feels perfectly confident that he will be just fine. It is better for him to come out and get the nourishment he needs, then stay in if the placenta is not giving him what he needs. With this decision the Dr. said I was to take it very easy, which I thought I was already doing, but this means no more work or outings that involve a lot of walking. anyone who knows me, knows this is going to be hard for me, but I will keep my eye on the prize and take it easy.

We are putting all of our good thoughts and prayers out there that everything will go smoothly and that he will be perfectly healthy and a good weight. We are excited to have him join our family and look forward to meeting him.


Autumn said...

Woah, Shawna! This is not at all what I was expecting to hear, but I am sure your doctor would not suggest anything unhealthy for your baby boy. If he can get more and better nutrition outside rather than in, well, okay! You guys will be in our prayers and thoughts. Looking forward to seeing yet another adorable Richards baby boy next week!! Sending lots of love and support to you!!!!

Kristiina said...

I wish all the best next Thursday, you guys will be in our prayers!!! Love you!

Krystal said...

I hope and pray everything continues to go well. I can't wait to meet the little guy and have a play date when you are feeling up to it! Call me if you need anything girl! Prayers and hugs are sent your way.

Cleverly Triple said...

Your doc is right 37 weeks he'll be JUST fine. :) I had Brighton at 36 1/2 and she was fine didn't need any oxygen got to come home right away. I've gone premature with both my pregnancies and seen many specialists. they all have told me 37 weeks is considered full term. very rarely do they see a baby born at 37 weeks with any complications.
i will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers! how exciting to think he'll be here next week! :)

The Lambert Family said...

Good luck with everything! I am sure everything will be okay. Call when you are ready for visitors! :)

Larsens said...

I had my last two at 36 and 37 weeks and both were very healthy. Talk soon! Love you all!

Shawna said...

Thanks everybody. I feel pretty comfortable with our decision, and feel like he will be just fine. Thanks for all the prayers and support. We are very excited to meet our new little guy.