Monday, December 12, 2011

Trimming the Tree

My kids are definitely in the Christmas spirit. they have been begging to put Christmas decorations and the tree since the day after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving weekend was so busy for us that I told Logan we would put the tree up next weekend, and trust me he asked everyday!

To try to keep them entertained during the week we spent one day making a Christmas chain, which I think every kid loves.

Here is part of our chain , once we made ours at home they both came home with their own from school, now we have three chains to help us countdown for Christmas.

Finally it was Saturday and time to put up the tree
Here's how Hunter spent most of the time

Logan was so excited and actually every helpful this year, his job was to hand the branches to Dave and I

Makay wanted to open all the ornaments and hand them to people to hang on the tree

Of course you have to put the star on first, and Logan insisted on having this job.

Even though Dave and I weren't quite in the Christmas spirit yet given everything that we have going on it was a lot of fun to put up the tree and some other decorations with the kids. It is so fun to see how excited the kids are about the whole Christmas season not just the presents, it also helps us as adults remember the joy of the season.


The Lambert Family said...

Your tree looks great! My kids made a chain to count down too. They are obsessed with it!

Snell Family said...

Shawna, is it okay if I use the temple picture from your last post on our gift tags for our neighbor gifts? It's a beautiful picture. Just wanted to make sure that was okay. Congrats on baby #4!