Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's Happening...

Thought I would give a little update on what's happening with us;

We'll start with Logan, it seems like he is by far the busiest. He is still enjoying preschool this year, but is also looking forward to going to kindergarten after summer. He is also doing swim lessons twice a week, so that he will have a little more fun swimming this summer. He is also playing soccer once a week, as much as he like kicking the ball in soccer he likes joking around with his friends on the team even more. He also keeps us entertained with his knock-knock jokes and telling us stories. He also such a great big brother and really cute with Hunter, and of course his best buddy Makay.

Logan completely submerged

Logan is #3

Makay isn't doing quite as many activities, but he certainly keeps us busy. I thought that he would grow out of his curious, mischievous, and needy personality. He does spend a lot of time playing trains, reading books, and doing puzzles. If he's not in there he's in the bathroom "brushing his teeth" w
hich means sucking on the toothpaste tube, and using his toothbrush to scrub the sink, gross. Or you can find him in the pantry standing on the water bottles on the floor to try to reach something to eat, or pushing his chair around the kitchen to get in the fridge, or on the counter. We are constantly saying "Makay, where are you?" When he's not getting into things he is super snuggly and sweet. Whenever I get home from the gym he says "mom, I missed you at the gym" followed by a big hug. He's one of a kind and we love him.

Helping me cook

Hunter is not missing a step when it comes to keeping up with his brothers. When he's awake he
wants to be in the room playing with his brothers and fits right in. He is doing his best to roll, scoot, and contort his way around the room. I wouldn't say he's crawling, but he certainly gets around. He is such a mellow baby that goes with the flowhe is always smiling and happy, which is such a blessing. He is also a great eater and so far eats everything we offer, be it baby food or table food. He is also gaining weight and chunking up in his own right, however he is no tank nor are any of my kids. He has had three ear infections already, but hopeful it will warm up and he won't get anymore. We love having him in our family.

Finding the toys under the bed

Dave is keeping me company at home these days. For those that don't know he was working for Zions bank and about 5 weeks ago they dissolved his position. At first I thought I would totally freak out and have a nervous breakdown, but surprisingly I haven't. Clearly this is not something we wished for, but we are also looking at it as an opportunity for him to reevaluate what it is he wants to do. With him not working I have picked up a lot of clients at the gym, in turn he as really stepped up to the plate at home. He does laundry, dishes, cleans bathrooms, and of course takes care of the kids. We know the Lord has something great in store for him, the question is always what and when.

I am staying super busy! As many of you know trying to take care of small children and get anything else done is a chore in it self, but I am also still doing training at the rec. As hard as it can be to be this busy it is also a great blessing to have such a great job right now. Through this whole situation we have really tried to put our faith in the Lord. I know that there are more important things then what happens in this life, and that the Lord's timetable is much different then mine. We are looking at this as an opportunity. the most important thing is for Dave to be happy with the career that he is doing, if that means that it takes time to figure that out, then that's o.k. he's the one who has to work for the next 30ish years. Dave is an amazing person that has a lot to offer, and there is no reason for him to settle for being less then 100% happy with his situation. I like to think of our marriage as a team, we have to work together and support each other when time are tough, if that means I have to contribute more to the finances then I'm happy to do so and grateful that I can.

All things considered we are doing well, we have each other, the gospel, our health, and the love and support of our family and friends.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kids say the darnedest things

Since I'm not very good at coming up with my own blog post I took this one from my dear friend Kaci. Three years old can be a hard time for parents and kids, but it can also be so funny! I swear three year olds say the funniest stuff, here's some of the latest out of Makay's mouth;

4/3/11 Dave was hugging Makay and pinched him, Makay said "That's a bad choice Dad".

3/14/11 Makay: "Mom, Logan pushed me. Go get him and put him in time-out."

2/10/11 Makay: "I not a mister I Makay".

10/10/10 When Hunter is crying, "Hunter, I'm coming". "It's o.k. Hunter I right here".

June 2010 Makay: "Sorry Momdad" whenever you would tell him not to do something.

Of course these are the only ones I have written down, I will have to be better he says funny stuff everyday.

Logan is also pretty funny these days, his are a little older, but I still have to laugh.

April 2011 Logan: "Where's Dad?"
Me: "He's at the temple."
Logan: "What! He went to go marry a different girl?"

March 2011 Logan: "Yes sir mom." When asked to do something.

January 2011 Logan: "Oh my, go to the bathroom if you need to toot. That stinks."

January 2011 Logan: "Hi dad, How those new shoes treatin' ya?"

October 2010 Logan: "I wish dad were here so there are two parents to take care of us." Said while Dave was at the Deer hunt