Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kids say the darnedest things

Since I'm not very good at coming up with my own blog post I took this one from my dear friend Kaci. Three years old can be a hard time for parents and kids, but it can also be so funny! I swear three year olds say the funniest stuff, here's some of the latest out of Makay's mouth;

4/3/11 Dave was hugging Makay and pinched him, Makay said "That's a bad choice Dad".

3/14/11 Makay: "Mom, Logan pushed me. Go get him and put him in time-out."

2/10/11 Makay: "I not a mister I Makay".

10/10/10 When Hunter is crying, "Hunter, I'm coming". "It's o.k. Hunter I right here".

June 2010 Makay: "Sorry Momdad" whenever you would tell him not to do something.

Of course these are the only ones I have written down, I will have to be better he says funny stuff everyday.

Logan is also pretty funny these days, his are a little older, but I still have to laugh.

April 2011 Logan: "Where's Dad?"
Me: "He's at the temple."
Logan: "What! He went to go marry a different girl?"

March 2011 Logan: "Yes sir mom." When asked to do something.

January 2011 Logan: "Oh my, go to the bathroom if you need to toot. That stinks."

January 2011 Logan: "Hi dad, How those new shoes treatin' ya?"

October 2010 Logan: "I wish dad were here so there are two parents to take care of us." Said while Dave was at the Deer hunt


The Lambert Family said...

Too funny! I need to document what my kids say more often!

Kaci Morgan said...

These are hilarious! I love hearing what goes on in their little minds!